Getting Spooky...
We are heading into the final week before Halloween here in Salem, and things are getting downright spooky! We've just discovered that we have had around 15,000 guests take our tours since we first opened! That's quite a lot of you!
We have been honored, and thrilled to take each and every one of you on a tour through Salem's amazing history and legacy of terrifying hauntings. It has been our mission statement to make sure that every single one of our guests has the best possible experience here in the Witch City.
But one of the things that makes us the happiest, is seeing some of the phenomenal ghostly photos you have sent us over the years.
So as a special daily feature, we're going to be sharing some of those photos with you over the next week. We know there are a lot of ghost sleuths out there, let us know what you think about them!
We're starting with one of the very first photos we ever received, from what we consider to be the most haunted and enigmatic home in all of Salem, the Pickman House on Charter street.
This gem was sent to us by Karen Koski from Ontario, Canada!