234 Essex Street
The Black Cat Curiosity Shoppe is a combination of shop and museum, displaying artifacts and curiosities from history, film and television, and Salem's own intriguing past. Our wares are an eclectic collection of unique and mysterious items, locally made artisanal trinkets, finely curated Salem souvenirs, and practical commodities to aid you on your adventures in our fair city.
Founded in 1313 and following in the fine tradition of Nathaniel Hawthorne's own experience with A Virtuoso's Collection, a visit to the Black Cat Curiosity Shoppe is the beginning of an adventure in and of itself, and we hope you will be transported by this truly one of a kind shopping experience.
The Curiosity Shoppe is not a Witchcraft supply store, though we do carry items from and based on the ancient folk traditions of numerous cultures. We are a place for explorers and adventurers of all creeds, and do not represent the beliefs of any one spirituality.
All are welcome.